Saturday, September 22, 2007

I have a good information for you : Hacking Software On Sale On eBay

This is about software that aid in hack.

Software that aid in hacking are reported to be on sale on American auction site eBay.
According to reports by security experts, someone is selling a collection of CDs, DVDs and programmes on eBay that aid buyers to learn how to break into computers over the net. One of the CDs on sale priced at Ј5.99, says it provides details of how to access other people's computers and contains a selection of programs commonly used for hacking. Many of the programs form the basic building blocks for computer crime, allowing even inexperienced hackers to find ways to get inside their victims' computers, or of masking their identities.
In a statement, eBay said it was working to prevent illegal sales from taking place.
"We have very strict and detailed rules permitting only lawful and legitimate sales on the site, and a huge amount is done to ensure that these are upheld."

I found this articles from

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